If you would like to rate some of your favorite (or not-so-favorite) games and possibly win a copy of Super Maze Wars compliments of Callisto, just print and fill out the Game Poll form bundled with this issue.
Top Selling Software
Compiled from information received in the IMG game poll. Results are published bi-monthly.
Rank Game
1 Might & Magic III
2 Civilization
3 Spaceward Ho!
4 Spectre Supreme
5 Iron Helix (CD-ROM)
6 The Journeyman Project (CD-ROM)
7 Prince of Persia
8 A-Train
9 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
10 Hellcats: Missions at Leyte Gulf
IMG Game Poll Scores
Scores are averaged using the six categories in the game poll. The overall score is weighted 50 percent while graphics, sound, speed, interface, and playability count for 10 percent each for a total of 100 percent. The following ratings have a minimum of 5 respondents.
Stellar 7: It seems as though Stellar 7 could have been better - The opening screen is
far better than the rest of the game. Some of the music on the various planets gets
tiresome quickly. Alan Kula - Pasadena, California
King's Quest 6: The soundtrack to this game alone is worth the price. The graphics are excellent, and the speed in screen change is absolutely incredible. It is very fast even on a low-end Macintosh. The puzzles are challenging, and it is well-suited for both beginning and expert adventure players. This is by far the best port by Sierra yet. Charles Kung - Princeton, New Jersey
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: A must-have for all Mac gamers! Jerry C. Harmon - Portland, Oregon
Iron Helix: A really enjoyable and engaging experience. The graphics are great. If only the screen was bigger. Mike Lanzetta - Taylor, Michigan
Maelstrom: This game is excellent, except for the fact that you don't have reverse thrusters! I can't stop or slow down much once I get going! Pete Ware- Astra, Canada